
Purpose of Loom

The purpose of Project Loom is to increase the Throughput of Applications, such as Web Servers, by improving the level Concurrency of Tasks use to complete Operations, such as HTTP Requests, where there can be Concurrency between both Operations and the Tasks used by each Operation.

Consider Little’s Law

L = λW

Where L is the Level of concurrency, λ is the throughput, and W is the Wait time or total latency.

If we want to build a high performance web server that maximizes request throughput then we need to consider

λ = L / W

which implies for the same latency on the same hardware, we need to improve our Concurrency.


Java has had a concurrency API from the beginning, starting with Green Threads in 1.0, but quickly moving to Kernel Threads, called Platform Threads the Loom Lexicon.

Project Loom improves concurrency by offering the same Interface with a different Implementation that uses User Threads or Fibers, called Vitual Threads in the Loom Lexicon.

While there are no changes to the Java Language, there are changes to the Java Libraries and the Java Virtual Machine to support Project Loom Capabilities, where Virtual Threads offer improved concurrency over Platform Threads.

Goals and Objectives

While the purpose, or main goal of Project Loom is improved Application Throughput, there are various other Goals and Objectives. Learn more in Loom Advantages.

Core Documentation

A place to learn about Project Loom through hands-on experimentation and exploration.

This is the main body of documentation for loom-lab.

My hope is to develop this into a learning tool for other people as well, so if you have ideas on how this can work better for you or others, please create a ticket in loom-lab Issues. People are encouraged to clone this repo, run the experiments and other code, make local changes, and watch what happens.

I am happy to accept donations via PayPal

QR Code

If you want to sponsor this project for advertising, please contact me.

If you want to contribute, I will discuss this later…

Finally, while this laboratory is based on Project Loom, my expectation is that anything you can do via Loom Virtual Threads, you can semantically do using conventional Platform Threads, but because Virtual Threads are more efficient, you can use many more of them than you would ever consider with Platform Threads, and thereby adopt new programming styles that were not pragmatic before. The bottom line is, that with Platform Threads, you cannot pragmatically do the same things you can with Virtual Threads. See also Ron Pressler - Loom: Bringing Lightweight Threads and Delimited Continuations to the JVM for more theoretical grounding.

See Also


Getting Started

This is the part I hate the most in learning anything new as too often on-boarding is unnecessarily traumatic because of poor documentation and inadequate examples. 🙄 Again, if you think this section could be better, create an issue ticket.

If you’re a master hacker, a MacGyver who can figure anything out, I hope the boilerplate does not get in your way too much.

IntelliJ IDEA

This projected is maintained with JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA. Consequently, the .idea folder exists in the git repo to help others get started sooner.

🤔 If this makes things difficult or confusing for others, please let me know as I have some ideas on how to structure things better.

One nice feature of the IntelliJ IDEA is that you can display formatted javadoc in the editor. As this project is a learning resource, there is an abundance of javadoc to explain things, and IntelliJ makes this a very effective way to read and explore without having to explicitly generate the javadoc. You can toggle between edit and preview mode using the little control, circled in yellow.

Code Documentation

Getting Loom Binaries

Currently, to use Project Loom you need the Project Loom Early-Access Builds, in particular, as of 2021-10-31 you need to download the jdk-18 + loom runtime. This is currently incomplete, so don’t use it to run anything in your tool chain, such as IntelliJ, just use it as a local runtime for running these experiments.




On Windows I install this in C:\Program Files (Open)\jdk-18 because C:\Program Files is protected by Windows, so it’s best to let a package installer like MSI manage that, and jdk-18 does not yet have a package installer.


I have been using Java since 1995 before it’s first commercial release. After that, I said Goodbye Forever to C++. While I continued to use C now and then, I was fed up with the unreasonable complexity and psychological danger of C++.

Out of curiosity, I did experiment a little with the original Java Green Threads, but did not really try too much Java Concurrent Programming until Platform Threads were introduced later. Jumping in with confidence, it did not take too long to realize how difficult it was to do Concurrent Programming properly, but things did get better.

I discovered sanity in reading Java Concurrency In Practice where Brian Goetz offers amazing clarity in reasoning and understanding. After reading this, I was ready for Concurrent Programming in Java : Design Principles and Pattern where Doug Lea brought on a lot of academic rigor that was essential, but often challenging to grok. The point is, I went from believing Concurrent Programming is not that hard to respecting how hard correct Concurrent Programming really is.

About 2005 I started playing with Scala, and Akka by 2010, where I started learning Reactive Programming methods; Functional Programming, Non-Blocking Code, Futures, Actors, Streams with Backpressure, etc. Several large Akka Projects I worked on, I loved starting the project and watching all the CPU Cores go to 100% initially, demonstrating how effectively Reactive Systems could utilize resources. After initializing, the CPU load would drop to about 10% or so until you started up some performance tests.

Note, when we talk about Non-Blocking, there are several aspects to this.

After all this, the most important lesson I learned was it is generally safer and saner to program at the higher levels of abstraction, Futures, Actors, and Streams al la Akka, than to directly mess with Threads, syncronized, Locks, and other lower-level mechanisms.

While it is clear how well these Reactive systems performed, at the raw code level, sometimes, we really had to tangle ourselves up with hard to read programming styles, especially because of Non-Blocking and other requirements.

The miracle of Project Loom is the JVM itself had been modified to support Virtual Threads that are astonishingly cheap and effective, creating a new Paradigm Shift from Non-Blocking to ‘Let It Block,’ because now the JVM can dance around Blocking APIs, and efficiently deal with all the necessary concurrency. What’s Old, is New again.

This Git Project is a playground where I can learn how to use Project Loom, and maybe share some of that learning.

Lessons Learned


Generally I have found that higher levels of Abstraction provide better and safer ways to reason about, design, and implement Concurrency.

Concurrency vs Parallelism

We could, therefore think of parallelism as the problem of scheduling resources over space and of concurrency as the problem of scheduling resources over time. I don’t know if that’s helpful, but it sure sounds cool. — Ron Pressler

Dealing with Concurrency and Parallelism is like dealing with time and space, or spacetime.

With any collection of Tasks, we can either schedule these over time, over space, or both.

See also Parallel Streams, CompletableFuture, and All That: Concurrency in Java 8



“Parallelism is strictly an optimization” — Brian Goetz


Structured Concurrency

Structured concurrency is a programming paradigm aimed at improving the clarity, quality, and development time of a computer program by using a structured approach to concurrent programming.

Wikipedia 2021-10-28

In Akka it was possible to set up a hierarchy of Actors to support a philosophy of ‘let it fail.’ While this was a Structured Concurrency mechanism, it could be truly difficult to set up, and wrap your mind around what was going on. This could also be true in Project Loom, and I hope to explore this later, but for now, in Project Loom you can write something like

// Parent Thread, Create a Concurrency Context
try (var executorService = Executors.newThreadPerTaskExecutor(virtualThreadFactory)) {
    IntStream.range(0, 15).forEach(item -> {
        System.out.printf("item %s, Thread Signature %s\n", item, Thread.currentThread());
        executorService.submit(() -> { // Child Thread
            System.out.printf("\ttask %s, Thread Signature %s\n", item, Thread.currentThread());
} // Close Concurrency Context

where the parent thread, spawns a number of child threads, such that parent thread waits at the end of the try block/wait for the child thread to complete, to ‘join’ back with the parent in terms of concurrency.

item 2, Thread Signature Thread[#1,main,5,main]
item 3, Thread Signature Thread[#1,main,5,main]
item 4, Thread Signature Thread[#1,main,5,main]
item 5, Thread Signature Thread[#1,main,5,main]
    task 1, Thread Signature VirtualThread[#33]/runnable@ForkJoinPool-1-worker-2
    task 0, Thread Signature VirtualThread[#31]/runnable@ForkJoinPool-1-worker-9
item 6, Thread Signature Thread[#1,main,5,main]
    task 2, Thread Signature VirtualThread[#34]/runnable@ForkJoinPool-1-worker-12
    task 3, Thread Signature VirtualThread[#36]/runnable@ForkJoinPool-1-worker-9


Each time you run this code, the output will be ordered differently because the order is nondeterministic, because concurrency itself is generally nondeterministic.

At some point in the code you could do something like


which is documented as

Initiates an orderly shutdown in which previously submitted tasks are executed, but no new tasks will be accepted. Invocation has no additional effect if already shut down. This method does not wait for previously submitted tasks to complete execution. Use awaitTermination to do that.

or you could do


Attempts to stop all actively executing tasks, halts the processing of waiting tasks, and returns a list of the tasks that were awaiting execution. This method does not wait for actively executing tasks to terminate. Use awaitTermination to do that.

There are no guarantees beyond best-effort attempts to stop processing actively executing tasks. For example, typical implementations will cancel via Thread.interrupt, so any task that fails to respond to interrupts may never terminate.

The point is, that the executorService defines a Structured Concurrency Context, arranged as a hierarchy or tree of Contexts, where you have control over each context. You can let them finish and wait, or tell them to stop, and wait. In the Bounded Context of the Java try-with-resources, when you get to the end of the try block, close() is called, which basically does executorService.shutdown() and then awaitTermination() thereby cleaning up the context.


TODO - this is not correct…

From the previous example, if one of the child threads throws and exception that is not caught in the try-with-resources block, then this will implicitly do a shutdownAll because if things are failing it does not make sense to continue. This is another implicit benefit of Structured Concurrency.

The best part though, is your stack traces will make sense, you will be able to see what thread the exception originated from. This was generally not true in nonblocking systems like Akka or Project Reactor, but is true in Kotlin Coroutines.




I don’t know if I will try Scala with Project Loom yet, but if I do, it will definitely be Scala 3. If someone encourages me, that might help. I am pretty sure Scala and Akka will incorporate Project Loom when it’s stable enough… it’s just too compelling to ignore Project Loom.


People keep asking me “why would you try to use Project Loom from Kotlin when Kotlin has Coroutines?”

Because I can… 😋 😛 😝 😜 🤪

Actually, I am just curious to see how different Loom code looks from one language to next. I have it on good authority that Kotlin Coroutines will utilize Project Loom once things are stable enough, but for now it’s fun to play.

One stumbling block is that Kotlin does not have try-with-resources… well it should… it took me way too long to figure out how to use use properly because it was not clear to me how to create the necessary function extension. 🙄 Can Project Loom be used from Kotlin? IMHO, Kotlin should implement try-with-resources because as I have discovered use has pitfalls in using it correctly.


In Java we can have code like

try (var executor = Executors.newVirtualThreadExecutor()) {
    IntStream.range(0, 15).forEach(i -> {
        System.out.println("i = " + i + ", Thread ID = " + Thread.currentThread());
        executor.submit(() -> {
            System.out.println("Thread ID = " + Thread.currentThread());

using try-with-resources to automatically close() the ExecutorService, which will shutdown all spawned threads and wait for them to complete. Kotlin does not have try-with-resources, but has the use construct which can be used as

Executors.newVirtualThreadExecutor().use { executorService ->
    IntStream.range(0, 16).forEach(IntConsumer { i: Int ->
        println("i = $i, Thread ID = ${Thread.currentThread()}")
        executorService.submit(Runnable {
            println("Thread ID = ${Thread.currentThread()}")

but requires the special Black Magic function extension of

fun ExecutorService.use(block: (executorService: ExecutorService) -> Unit) = block(this)

In this project, I keep this in LoomUtilities as

package net.kolotyluk.loom
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService
object LoomUtilities {
    fun ExecutorService.use(block: (executorService: ExecutorService) -> Unit) = block(this)

so other files can use

import LoomUtilities.use